UV Protection
Most people take precautions in the sun to protect their skin but many may not realise how harmful UV radiation is to the eyes.
Most people take precautions in the sun to protect their skin but many may not realise how harmful UV radiation is to the eyes.
Following the recent imagery of both Kate Windsor and Pippa Middleton wearing Givenchy sunglasses at the men’s Wimbledon final, Kate was yesterday seen wearing Givenchy again whilst enjoying the Olympic Equestrian Eventing at Greenwich Park. Her choice of favoured sunglasses this time is model SGV761 0700 from the current 2012 collection.
Miss Pipa Middleton was recently seen wearing her Givenchy sunglasses at the Wimbledon Mens Final on centre court: She apparently then gave these to her sister, the Duchess of Cambridge, and was snapped sporting a second pair of Givenchys: